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IATA Recurrent Syllabus

The 1-Day course is designed for basic shippers, freight forwarders, third party logistics entities, carriers and freight brokers shipping dangerous goods by air, and have had previous IATA training within the past 24 months. The course is a review of topics covered in the 2-Day initial class with an emphasis on updates and changes. Recurrent training is required every 24 months for IATA.

Please Note: Security Awareness Training is no longer conducted in the classroom. We are now offering it for FREE on our website.

Prerequisite for Recurrent training is IATA Dangerous Goods training within the previous 24 months.

Included with Public Classroom Training:
IATA Regulations
Classroom Workbook
Daily Lunch

Included with Webinar Training:
Printable Classroom Workbook
(IATA Regulation must be provided by student for webinars)

Note if you ship Explosives or Radioactive Materials:

  • Explosives: This course fulfills the requirements for anyone shipping explosives, div. 1.4 already classified with a UN#. Other class 1 explosives including 1.4 unclassified, additional training is required. Please see our explosives course.
  • Radioactive Materials: This course also fulfills the requirements for shipping radioactive exempted items, for example smoke alarms. For anything else additional training is required. Please see our radioactive courses.

Webinar students: Webinars start at 11 am EST. The course content is the same but the times will be different then noted below.

Day 1 - IATA


8:30A - 12:00N

Review IATA Lessons 1-12

IATA Lesson 1 - Introduction, Format of the Regs, Symbols & Abbreviations, Industry Terms, Applicability
IATA Lesson 2 - Identify Forbidden Dangerous Goods, DG carried by passengers & crew, Limitations
IATA Lesson 3 - Identifying the 9 hazard classes, Recognize hazards posed by each class.
IATA Lesson 4 - Dangerous Goods list, Numerical Cross Reference, Special Provisions
IATA Lesson 5 - Packing Instructions, General Packing Requirements, State & Operator Variations
IATA Lesson 6 - UN Specification Packaging
IATA Lesson 7 - Mark & Label
IATA Lesson 8 - Documentation
IATA Lesson 9 - Excepted Quantities
IATA Lesson 10 - Overpacks
IATA Lesson 11 - Limited Quantities
IATA Lesson 12 - Dangerous Goods Acceptance Checklist

12:00N - 1:00P

Lunch (included with seminar)

1:00 - 2:00P


2:00 - 4:30P



Session ends