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Please see the most frequently asked questions about DGI's training below. If you don't find your answer here, you can always email us at

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Do I have to register for a seminar or may I just show up? We recommend pre-registration. If you simply "show-up" there may not be seating and/or materials available for you since many of our seminars fill up early. However, we will make every effort to accommodate last minute registrations. Please call our office for availability.

What is DGI's tuition payment policy? We require prepayment at least 7 days prior to the date of your seminar. For your convenience we accept credit cards for website registrations. Check, EFT, MasterCard, Visa and American Express are accepted for phone registrations. 

What time does the class start each day? Classroom classes (taught at a hotel location) are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. The first day of your class registration begins at 8:00 a.m. with coffee provided. Depending on each class, the ending time may vary each day.

Will DGI make hotel reservations for me? No. Please call the hotel directly. Phone numbers are provided in seminar confirmation, our website and brochure.

Do I get a discount at the hotel the seminar is being held at if I stay there? Yes. Once you register for a seminar we will send you a seminar confirmation which includes your "Room Block Code." Advise the hotel reservation agent of this code to receive a reduced rate. These reduced rates are published in our various hotel information web pages. Reduced rates are generally available until 30 days prior to the seminar.

Do I have to bring anything with me? We suggest you bring a pocket calculator, pen and a notepad.

What kind of dress code, if any, do you have? Dress is casual. Our emphasis is on learning and not on student attire.

How soon may I cancel my seminar and not be charged any cancellation fee? You may cancel your seminar 7 business days prior to the start date without penalty. Please refer to our Cancellation Policy for any cancellations made within 7 business days.

If I cancel at the last minute, may I send a substitute? Yes. However please be sure to advise DGI of the change, if possible.

How long will it take for me to receive my certificate? Normally certificates are emailed within one week of completion of class.

If I bring my own CURRENT EDITION of the IATA regulations, will I get a reduction in seminar tuition? Yes, you will receive a reduction in your tuition. However you MUST tell us when you register that you will bring your own book and you must bring the CURRENT EDITION of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations to class. (See course details to determine your discount).

I am taking an IATA class and want to bring my own regulations. Can I bring my electronic version on my laptop, ipad or tablet? Yes, if you elect to bring your own regulations, you may bring the CURRENT electronic version. We are all about saving paper! However; please note that if you bring electronic regulations, you will be expected to know how to navigate the program. 

What's included in the seminar tuition? All DGI seminars include a classroom workbook, lunch and refreshments. All IATA classes include the current edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations; all 49 CFR classes include the current edition of the 49 CFR Regulations, all IMDG classes include excerpts from the IMDG Code.

If I train with DGI, can I ship with UPS, FedEx or DHL? Yes! DGI courses certify you to ship with any common carrier!

If I have any technical questions after I have completed the training, can I call DGI for help? Yes! DGI students can submit shipment and transportation questions through our website. Click here to ask a question!

If I took my previous Dangerous Goods training from another company, do I have to take initial training from DGI or may I take recurrent training? As long as your previous hazmat training is current, you may take recurrent training from DGI.

What's the earliest I should schedule my return flight home? We suggest you not book a return flight home before 6:30 p.m. The last few hours of the seminar is your test which you must successfully complete (80% or better) to receive your certification so we suggest even a later flight, if possible, to avoid worry about catching your flight.

There are several people in my company that need Dangerous Goods training. Would it be cheaper to take a class from your public training schedule or if you come to my company to do the training? Normally it is more economical to have private on-site training if you have 7 or more people to be trained in the same subject at the same time. Otherwise using a public seminar would be beneficial to your company. See our Private On-Site Seminar web page for details.

Do you offer any group discounts if I send several people to your classes? Yes, we offer a 10% discount for 5 or more students registered at the same time and paid for on one check (or credit card). Students do not have to enroll in the same class. Be sure to mention this discount at the time of registration.

Is the hotel sleeping room included in my tuition? No. Hotel sleeping rooms are in addition to your seminar tuition. DGI has contracted for special discounted rates, however, these special rates apply only if booked, in some cases, up to 5 weeks in advance. See the Hotel Information page for details.

What if I have lost my training certificate that I received from DGI. Could I get a copy of my certificate and training results? Yes. Contact DGI and we will send you a duplicate certificate with your training records. Email DGI at: 

Does DGI offer any type of recurrent reminder or newsletter or information service after I have completed training? Yes. All DGI students receive reminders that their recurrent training is due. You will also receive our yearly brochure which includes our training schedules, products and services.

Do I have to take a test? Yes. The regulations state that you must "be tested." If you are enrolled in a multi-modal seminar, you will be tested on each mode.

We only handle Dangerous Goods (Hazardous Materials) once or twice a year. Do I still need to be trained? Yes. Anyone who handles Dangerous Goods "must" be trained.

Do I have to be trained again after I complete my initial training? Yes. Recurrent training is required within 24 months for IATA and within 3 years for 49 CFR

How often do I have to take "recurrent" training? You must complete recurrent training within 24 months for IATA and within 3 years for 49 CFR and IMDG.

I'm IATA certified. Is it okay to ship by ocean as well? Being certified in one mode of transport is good, but does not necessarily prepare you for other modes of transport. It is recommended that specific coursework be taken for the applicable modes. In addition, it is advisable to be trained in Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR), as this is the United States law for transport of hazardous materials (dangerous goods).

Do customs brokers need to be certified? It depends. Do they "directly affect" the transportation of hazardous materials in commerce? If their company meets the definition of a "hazmat employer" and they do affect the safe transportation of hazardous materials, then yes, they must be trained.

I've taken your class (IATA, 49 CFR, IMDG). Can I train within my own organization? Yes, provided the "hazmat employer" has certified the individual(s) in question. 49 CFR, 172.702(c) states "Training may be provided by the hazmat employer or other public or private sources."

We only ship ORM-D materials. Do I need 49 CFR training? Also, I've taken an initial 49 CFR class and we ship ORM-D materials. Do I still need to be retrained every 3 years? ORM-D (Consumer Commodities) are registered materials in the United States. Although generally given many exceptions from the regulations, training is still required. As long as the individual continues to meet the definition of "hazmat employee," recurrent training must be completed within 3 years of initial training.


If I take your class (IATA, 49 CFR or IMDG) will I be certified? Only your "hazmat employer" may certify you. DGI will provide all training information to the hazmat employer. This information packet will enable the hazmat employer to determine if the individual(s) are qualified to carry out assigned hazardous materials functions.

Does DGI's IATA class include Category 6? IATA has eliminated the training categories and replaced that with Competency Based Training or CBT. DGI has always provided CBT training. CBT is more directed at the employer and ensuring their staff can competently do their jobs. It’s quite detailed and you should refer to the 2023 IATA manual for guidance. (No matter what CNS says, there are no Categories, none. They have all been eliminated and replaced with CBT requirements.

My forwarder handles my hazmat shipments and they know what they are doing. Why do I need training? In all regulations, it is the shipper who is ultimately responsible for full compliance with applicable international and domestic regulatory requirements. Although 49 CFR does not define "shipper", it does define "person." It is very broad in scope (see 49 CFR 171.8).

I don't ship Dangerous Goods. Do I still need hazmat training? No. If you are not handling or transporting hazardous materials (dangerous goods), and you do not meet the definitions of "hazmat employer" or "hazmat employee", this type of training is not required.

I cannot afford to take my people off the job for 3 or 4 days for this training. What am I supposed to do? If your personnel meet the definition of "hazmat employee", you cannot afford to not train them. Violations for non-compliance range from $250 per day per occurrence to $27,500 per day per occurrence (civil) to up to $250,000 per individual and $500,000 for a corporation and 5 years in jail (criminal). A potential way to avoid these costly penalties would be to schedule a few of your hazmat employees for a class at one time then others at another time. Also, you may find it more economical and beneficial to schedule private on-site seminars which may be customized to the commodities you handle.

How do I decide which of my employees need this training? An analysis of each potential "hazmat employee" and their job function(s) must be addressed by the "hazmat employer." This will determine who needs training and to what level and/or mode(s).

Why does my company need this training? Training is mandated by law. (See 49 CFR, subpart H - Training.)

Do I need Security Awareness Training? Effective March 25, 2003, shippers and carriers of certain highly hazardous materials must develop and implement security plans. In addition, all shippers and carriers of hazardous materials must ensure that their employee training includes a security component.

172.704(a)(4) Security awareness training.  No later than the date of the first scheduled recurrent training after March 25, 2003, and in no case later than March 24, 2006, each hazmat employee must receive training that provides an awareness of security risks associated with hazardous materials transportation and methods designed to enhance transportation security. New hazmat employees must receive security awareness training within 90 days after employment.

DGI also offers free Security Awareness offered through our webpage

What training am I required to take? §172.704 Training requirements.

(a) Hazmat employee training must include the following:

(1) General awareness/familiarization training. Each hazmat employee shall be provided general awareness/familiarization training designed to provide familiarity with the requirements of this subchapter, and to enable the employee to recognize and identify hazardous materials consistent with the hazard communication standards of this subchapter.

(2) Function-specific training. (i) Each hazmat employee must be provided function-specific training concerning requirements of this subchapter, or exemptions or special permits issued under subchapter A of this chapter, that are specifically applicable to the functions the employee performs.

(ii) As an alternative to function-specific training on the requirements of this subchapter, training relating to the requirements of the ICAO Technical Instructions and the IMDG Code may be provided to the extent such training addresses functions authorized by subpart C of part 171 of this subchapter.

(3) Safety training. Each hazmat employee shall receive safety training concerning—

(i) Emergency response information required by subpart G of part 172;

(ii) Measures to protect the employee from the hazards associated with hazardous materials to which they may be exposed in the work place, including specific measures the hazmat employer has implemented to protect employees from exposure; and

(iii) Methods and procedures for avoiding accidents, such as the proper procedures for handling packages containing hazardous materials.

(4) Security awareness training. Each hazmat employee must receive training that provides an awareness of security risks associated with hazardous materials transportation and methods designed to enhance transportation security. This training must also include a component covering how to recognize and respond to possible security threats. New hazmat employees must receive the security awareness training required by this paragraph within 90 days after employment.

(5) In-depth security training. Each hazmat employee of a person required to have a security plan in accordance with subpart I of this part who handles hazardous materials covered by the plan, performs a regulated function related to the hazardous materials covered by the plan, or is responsible for implementing the plan must be trained concerning the security plan and its implementation. Security training must include company security objectives, organizational security structure, specific security procedures, specific security duties and responsibilities for each employee, and specific actions to be taken by each employee in the event of a security breach.

What is the difference between "general awareness" and "function specific" training? General Awareness training is designed to provide familiarity with the requirements of 49 CFR and to enable the employee to recognize and identify hazardous materials consistent with the hazard communications standards of 49 CFR. Function Specific training is applicable to the requirements of 49 CFR, which are specifically applicable to the employee's job function (i.e., preparing shipping papers, labeling, marking, packaging selection and filling, etc.).

We are a forwarder. We don't ship anything. Why do we need hazmat training? What you mean to say is you do not ship anything hazardous as defined in 49 CFR. If you or your facility are not handling hazardous materials and you do not meet the definition of a "hazmat employer" or "hazmat employee" then this type of training would not be required. Forwarders must check the shipper's packages and paperwork prior to offering it to the carrier.


Are all DGI classes certification courses? Yes, all DGI courses are certification courses that meet or exceed US DOT and international Training Requirements

Are DGI certificates recognized by DOT & IATA?  Yes, read this article to answer all your certificate related questions.

Why is DGI not IATA endorsed? DGI Training Center was incorporated over 30 years ago by Frank Nerli and Candy Cook. For the first 15 years, DGI remained an IATA Endorsed school.

IATA (International Air Transport Association) is an air industry organization. Most airlines are paying members of IATA. IATA provides many services to its members, one of which is training. IATA is not a rule making, governing body. It is a trade association. In the USA we must comply with the US Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49. For international air shipments we must comply with ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) and the IMDG Code (International Maritime Dangerous Goods) for water shipments. IATA publishes a field manual for shipping dangerous goods by air. It is based entirely on the ICAO regulations and member airline restrictions.  

In the United States, air transport is regulated by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration). The FAA does not regulate dangerous goods training schools.

They do however regulate the requirements for what training and other requirements a company must comply with in order to transport, handle or store dangerous goods.

All DGI training courses are in full compliance with national and international law. We guarantee it. DGI has always had an excellent reputation and works closely with government to ensure our customers are always in compliance with any and all regulations. DGI training materials and standards have always been above and beyond what was required by IATA Endorsement. Our instructors have years of experience and operate under a code of ethics that is widely recognized in our field.

Is IATA Certification Mandatory? Or is it ICAO? IATA is a trade association of airline pilots and operators.  So, if you are an airline employee there are some elements of IATA’s various certifications that are important to you, but it’s by no means mandatory.  Our training programs meet and exceed all federal and international standards for DG training by air. Our IATA and other DG programs have been used by tens of thousands of students and inspected by the FAA and other authorities hundreds of times, without any issue.

To get more information about DG certification you can view this article from the Dangerous Goods Trainers Association which has standing at the United Nations and represents DG trainers around the world, at the UN in Geneva. Is IATA “Certification” Mandatory? Or is it ICAO? – Dangerous Goods Trainers Association, Inc. (

I am a Cargo Agent or Freight Forwarder Regarding CNS/IATA DG Training. Can I use DGI? Please read this document to understand training you require also please review the articles on the DGI Blog regarding this topic: 

What do I need to know about IATA's Competency Based Training Requirements? Click here to read our blog on this topic.

Who must sign my DGI certificate? Since your employer is responsible for proper training, they (your manager, supervisor) need to sign your DGI certificate verifying the training received covers your job function(s).